時近秋分,大雋藝術榮幸地推出日本藝術家白田誉主也(Hakuta Yoshuya)2021個展《Floating flowers 一瞬の永遠》,象徵自由與希望的花,在盛開的同時,動物們也打開封閉的視野,享受著稍縱即逝的自由,藝術家欲捕捉那一瞬光彩,呈現昇華至永續的存在,盼觀者沉湎在絕妙化境之際,體悟寧靜與和諧。
2021 Hakuta Yoshuya Solo Exhibition
As we enter the season of Autumn, Rich Art is honored to be presenting “Floating Flowers,” the 2021 solo exhibition of Japanese artist Hakuta Yoshuya. The flowers represent freedom and hope. When the flowers bloom, the visions of the animals are enlightened, allowing them to enjoy fleeting freedom. The artist captures the fleeting moment of light and color and elevates them into eternity with the hope that viewers will be able to immerse in the magical land and experience tranquility and harmony.
開幕茶會 Opening Reception|09.18 Sat. 14:30
▌日期 Date|2021.09.18 Sat. – 12.25 Sat.
▌時間 Time|週二至週日11:00-19:00 (週一公休Mon. Closed)
No. 489, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan(R.O.C)
◆ 館內落實環境每日消毒清潔。
◆ 入門須配合量測體溫及手部酒精消毒工作。
◆ 入門須配合完成「簡訊實聯制」登記。
◆ 來館賓客須全程配戴口罩。
◆ 凡14天內有出國旅行史、體溫超過37.5度及身體不適者謝絕入館。